Keeping it real: diversity and inclusion in 2020

Whilst we are all trying to make sense of the world as individuals, we also need to come together to support our organisations to respond to these events in an appropriate manner. It can be very tricky as an individual to be sure you are saying and doing the right thing – so coming together in a corporate environment with many different perspectives to create an appropriate ‘corporate response’ seems even harder.

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Recipes for success

Our measurement mantra is to be clear about what you want to achieve right from the outset. Different outcomes demand different research techniques, and you can save yourself a lot of time and trouble by focusing on what you’re able to influence and will make the biggest difference to your organisation.

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Living change

Even before the pandemic, the internal communication landscape had begun to change and change significantly. Internal communication is taken (rightly) for granted in the vast majority of organisations and colleagues now expect to be informed and able to contribute to what goes on. Leaders are more much committed and rather than having to be convinced to take an interest in internal communication, many of them now need to be counselled away from micro-management. Measurement is more common, and often the issue is around lack of co-ordination and not measuring the right things rather than an absence of data.

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Your best CV

Writing ‘your best CV’ involves so much more than just listing your experience; creating a professional CV increases your chances of being noticed first and is essential to securing the most desirable jobs. Using my 15 years of resourcing experience, I have pulled together some top tips for creating your best CV.

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Work in the time of Corona

Communicating during Covid-19 was always going to be hard. A good start was made with communicators getting regular, clear messages out to colleagues. But it’s tougher now that workplaces are starting to get people back to work, not helped by complex and often conflicting messages from the Government and the scientific community.

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