Recipe 1: Channels that delight and deliver

Serving up the right mix of channels for your different audiences means getting to know their likes and dislikes, not to mention any special requirements. Much like serving up supper for a mix of guests. Does that mean it’s time for a channel audit?

LEVEL: Moderate
Chef’s tips
Don’t just focus on the channels you’re responsible for. Information circulates in all sorts of ways, so make sure your audit is open to finding them
Look for proof as well as opinion. People may say they like a channel, but sometimes you need to test if they’ve actually taken anything from it
Ingredients and method
Take a look in the cupboard to see what you already have. Maybe data on digital channel take up and other feedback. You can add to that with a short, sharp survey and some qualitative interviews.
The secret’s in understanding your demographics and getting the questions right. Focus groups, audience profiling and in-box analysis will add depth if your time or budget stretches that far.
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